A selection of filmmaking and Video Editing work, including full-length podcasts, interviews and social media clips

Artist interview - Carlos de la Sancha
Production, filming, editing and interview: Marco Serventi

‘How I run a First Nation business’ - client testimonial

Matilda Hay, ‘Glass Eggs’
Directed by: Marco Serventi and Marilia Gurgel
Camera: Marco Serventi
Interview: Marilia Gurgel
Editing: Marco Serventi

Podcast clip, with Duncan Wardle
Camera: Marco Serventi
Interview: Joris Cuesta
Editing: Marco Serventi

TMBL Bank, Australia
Director: Marco Serventi
Camera: Bianca Woods, Marco Serventi
Interview: Joris Cuesta
Editing: Marco Serventi

‘Elsewhere’ project presentation - group exhibition, New York City, 2023

VOLT Bank, CEOx1Day Program
Direction: Marco Serventi
Camera: Marco Serventi, Bianca Woods
Lighting: Matthew Andersen
Editing: Marco Serventi

UNICEF Australia
Direction: Marco Serventi
Camera: Marco Serventi, Bianca Woods
Lighting: Matthew Andersen
Editing: Marco Serventi

Lugano My City - Switzerland Tourism

Brand Video - Samsara Tea House